The first step in applying for an interest list is to create an account here in our resident portal.
You can register or create an account at any time. When an Interest List is open, you can log in and click Apply.
If you have an account, log in and if any Interest List applications are available, click Apply Now for the Interest List application.
Once you complete the online Interest List application, the information is reviewed by staff. You may be selected based on a number of eligibility criteria, preferences (read more about preference points), and a lottery draw system. If you are selected to move to the waitlist, we will notify you based on the information you provided when you applied.
Due to housing shortages, there are rarely a sufficient number of housing units or vouchers available for the overwhelming number of individuals who apply. Those who are not placed on the waitlist, remain on the Interest List until the next opportunity for housing or a final draw is completed.
Here’s a quick look at our housing assistance programs:
Fresno Housing offers two different types of affordable housing programs. Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8) and Low-Income Public Housing or Affordable Housing for specific properties. Section 8 is a rental assistance program that provides vouchers that can be used to rent privately-owned housing, while public housing and other affordable housing programs are administered by HUD.
Click for more information on Housing Choice Vouchers
*Yes, you can be on more than one list at a time.
Housing Choice Voucher (commonly known as Section 8)
Interest list is currently closed
Low-Income Public Housing
or Affordable Housing
To view a list of properties accepting applications, visit the Properties Accepting Applications information below, or the linked Property Map and select “open” on the “Properties Accepting Applications” drop down menu, then “apply filters” to view the properties in greater detail.
Quick tips
Before you get started, make sure you have access to an email address. If you do not have one, create an email and come back to the Resident Portal to create an account. We will use your email for updates and notifications.
Once you are in the application, there will be a section for Preferences. Preferences are used as points for eligibility. Please select any that apply to your situation. We do verify all preferences selected. If we are unable to verify a preference, those points will be removed from your Interest List application. Read more about preferences here.
Fresno Housing has computer labs throughout Fresno County with computer and internet access. View list of locations.

Application Process
Housing Choice Vouchers FAQs
When is the interest list going to open?
Thursday, June 15, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. (PST) and will close Friday, July 14, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. (PST)
Can I bring someone with me to translate?
Yes. You are more than welcome to bring someone to help you. Staff can also reach out to our Language Line to provide assistance in your language.
Where do I apply?
Interest List applications are available online at Apply anywhere internet access is available or on any mobile device.
If you need on-site assistance you can go to the Fresno Housing Central Office located at
1331 Fulton Street, Fresno CA 93721 on the following business days 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- June: 6/15, 6/16, 6/20, 6/21, 6/22, 6/26, 6/27, 6/28, 6/29 & 6/30
- July: 7/3, 7/5, 7/6, 7/10, 7/11, 7/12, 7/13 & 7/14
What do I need to do to apply?
Before you can apply, you will need to register and create an online portal account. If you have previously registered, you can log back into your online account.
- Please have access to your email before you move to the next step.
- Interest List Applications are available online through our resident portal at
- Paper applications are available on request- please contact HCV Applications at (559) 441-2318
What information do I need to apply?
You will need the following information to complete the Interest List Application:
- You must have a valid Email address to register.
- The social security number(s), race/ethnicity, and birth date(s) for all family household members.
- The gross annual income for the family household.
- Mailing address and phone number.
How long after I apply will I be called or notified?
We cannot estimate how long and there is no guarantee you will be selected. Random lottery draws may be performed throughout the year and/or a final draw will be completed. If you are selected, you will be notified by mail. Interest List Applications not selected in the final draw will be canceled.
What if I already applied for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)/Section 8 program?
All previous interest lists were exhausted. A final draw from our previous interest list was completed on March 30, 2023. If you were not selected, you will need to reapply. You can log back into your existing online portal account and add the 2023 – Housing Choice Voucher list when it opens.
Where do I log into my online account?
Go to, click on “Applicants”- “Start Application Process” – “Fresno Housing Online Application”
OR you can go to the following link:
Applicant Login & Registration – Enter the Email and Password you created at the time you completed your registration.
What are the income limits for the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Program?
The 2023 income limits are posted on our website at:
- Scroll down to Income Limits | 2023
- Click on “View”
What if I do not have a social security number?
In order to be eligible for assistance, there must be at least one household member that has legal residency. For the purpose of applying, you may enter all 9’s for the social security number for the head of household, co-head and/or spouse. Eligibility for all members will be confirmed if selected.
What is a preference and do I qualify?
Remember to check the box(es) and tell us if you qualify for a preference. Preferences are used as points and are used for eligibility when selecting applicants from the interest list, along with the lottery draw. Please select any that apply to your situation. We do verify all preferences selected. If we are unable to verify a preference, those points will be removed from your Interest List application. Go to for more information on preferences.
What if my preference(s) change?
You may log back into your account and update your preference(s).
Reasonable Accommodation
If you require a reasonable accommodation due to a disability call (559) 441-2318.
What if I don’t have an Email address?
If you do not have an email address, one may be obtained by visiting one of several free email providers, including,, or You need an email address in order to register to apply. Once you have registered and provided your contact details, you will be able to begin completing your Interest List Application. Keep the email address to check the status of your Interest List Application. For assistance, please call (559) 441-2318
What do I need to log back into my online account?
Please call (559) 441-2318 or email [email protected] for help logging in. We will need to verify the head of household’s social security number, mailing address, and date of birth before confirming any information.
What if I forgot my password?
From the Applicant Login & Registration page, click on “Forgot Password” link under the “Login” button and follow the instructions.
How do I check the status of my application?
You may log back into your online account after one week from completing your Interest List Application to check your status.
What if my address changes after I submit my Interest List Application?
After successful completion of submitting a Interest List Application, you may log back into your online account after one week to report changes to your personal information. It is your responsibility to maintain your Interest List Application with current contact information.
- Applicant means a person or family that is interested in a specific property or rental subsidy program, but is not yet a participant.
- Interest List is a list of applicants wishing to participate in the random lottery/selection process.
- Waitlist means you have been selected as an applicant for a specific property or rental subsidy program.
- Step 1: Sign up for an online account through the FH Online Application.
- Step 2: Add yourself to an open Interest List.
- Step 3: If you are selected, you will be placed on our waitlist and be notified by mail, phone or email.
- Step 4: Complete application and provide Fresno Housing with required documents.
Required Documents
Applicants to provide the following documents as requested by Fresno Housing.
- Photo ID for all adults
- Social Security card for all household members; adults and minors
- Birth Certificates for all minors
- Photo ID for all adults
- Social Security card for all household members; adults and minors
- Birth Certificates for all minors
- Proof of income – Pay Stubs, Court Documents for Child Support, Award Letter for CalWorks/TANF, Social Security, Disability, Unemployment, etc.
- Contact information for previous landlords
- Proof of income – Pay Stubs, Court Documents for Child Support, Award Letter for CalWorks/TANF, Social Security, Disability, Unemployment, etc.
- Contact information for previous landlords
- Citizenship Documentation, if applicable – Work Visa, Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)
- Military Records, if applicable (DD214)
- Citizenship Documentation, if applicable – Work Visa, Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)
- Military Records, if applicable (DD214)
Applications for Affordable and Public Housing interest lists are now open.
Click to apply
Properties Accepting Applications
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