Development Experience & Expertise

On average, 26 jobs are created for every $1 million of
capital spent on construction of affordable housing


  • $600,910,000

    real estate development value
  • $384,630,000

  • $24,640,000

  • $409,270,000

    private investment
  • $125,000,000

    annual operating budget

  • 80

    Multi-family Housing Developments
  • 2,100

    New & Renovated Multi-family Housing Units

“Fresno Housing has proven to be an affordable housing leader in the state. They should be very proud of their innovative partnerships and their ability to align with state and local agencies on developments with complex financial arrangements.” Tia Boatman Patterson, Executive Director of the California Housing Finance Agency
“Fresno Housing has been a trailblazer in using the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) to finance a transformation of its rental assistance portfolio. FHA’s new developments integrate rental assistance units seamlessly into the community, through small properties in neighborhood settings and through properties that serve a mix of income levels. We’ve been pleased to work with FH to ensure that low-income families and seniors in Fresno have quality homes in good neighborhoods, with access to services, job training, public transportation, and community amenities. It’s a dramatic transformation from the old public housing sites!” Tom Davis, US Department of Housing and Urban Development
Strategic Direction: Development
& Empowerment

In 2010, FH embarked on a new strategic plan that changed the organization’s trajectory, diving head-first into real estate development and resident empowerment initiatives while continuing to administer traditional federal housing programs.

Since 2010, Fresno Housing has received national recognition for creating award-winning affordable housing and becoming one of California’s most prolific and successful affordable housing developers. As an affordable housing developer, FH and its instrumentalities bring private sector principles to public institutions. By acting as the developer on proprietary real estate projects and maintaining all necessary disciplines under one roof, FH can incorporate resident needs and local priorities into each project and capture sought-after developer fees that are re-invested back into the community. This vertical integration ranges from initial feasibility and resident engagement to construction, design, and ultimately property management, enhancing Fresno Housings’ ability to deliver on outcomes for stakeholders while creating quality housing opportunities that are energy efficient, include community gathering space, and other amenities contributing to a vibrant community. Since 2010, FH has developed over 2,100 quality affordable housing units. 

Placemaking Vision: Creating Vibrant Communities

 Fresno Housing is committed to the ongoing acquisition, renovation, and construction of affordable housing throughout Fresno County. With an entrepreneurial view to the future, Fresno Housing seeks public and private partners to create new and renovate existing multifamily and single-family homes and housing developments with appropriate amenities and services where families are comfortably housed, children have stable school attendance, and neighborhoods are rejuvenated.

Fresno Housing understands that creating a sense of place demands more than developing physical design elements. It sees this “sensitivity to place” as an essential part of the design of all projects, ensuring that its properties include special features such as architectural adornment, art in its public spaces, community gardens, gathering areas, and other elements that will enhance the sites themselves as well as the neighborhoods of which they are a part.


Our team, led by Michael Duarte, has expertise like no other developer. A deep understanding of developing multifamily projects, from predevelopment through construction to stabilization, is paired with grant administration and financing expertise. Our team has experience navigating complex funding programs to develop multifamily housing, senior housing, permanent supportive housing, workforce housing, and mixed-use developments, including the demolition and disposition application process, low-income public housing mixed-finance, and project-based Section 8. The team’s institutional and industry expertise has resulted in thousands of new affordable housing units since 2010, with hundreds more in yearly development. 

In addition to the comprehensive development and finance expertise noted above, the department oversees property management for various affordable housing sites owned by Fresno Housing. The successful management of these housing developments is in large part due to the expertise of the team and their ongoing commitment to ensuring attractive, safe living conditions and providing programs and activities for residents at various sites.  

LIHTC Utility Allowance and Schedules

A set of utility allowances for developments within Fresno County utilizing the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program  is adopted annually by the Fresno Housing Board. For more information on Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Utility Allowances please call 559-445-8906.

2025 LIHTC Utility Allowance Schedule (Standard) 

2025 LIHTC Utility Allowance Schedule (Energy Efficient) 

2024 LIHTC Utility Allowance Schedule (Standard)

2024 LIHTC Utility Allowance Schedule (Energy Efficient)

Funding Programs Administered

Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Funds
California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA)
Capital Funds
Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI)
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds
Continuum of Care (CoC) Funds
Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco Affordable Housing Program (AHP)
HOME Investment Partnerships Program
HOPE VI Program (HUD)
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC; 4% and 9%)
Low-Income Public Housing (LIPH)
LIPH Mixed-Finance Transactions
McKinney-Vento Supportive Housing Program
Mental Health Services (MHS) Act program funding
Multifamily Housing Program (MHP)
Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP)
No Place Like Home (NPLH)
Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA)
Project-Based Vouchers (PBV) Program
Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)
Section 18 Demolition/Disposition Applications
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Veterans Housing and Homelessness Prevention (VHHP)

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Development Team

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