Fresno Housing Mesh Network Playbook

Fresno Housing understands the importance of being connected to the Internet and that the amount of importance does not decrease because of zip code or income. As a leader in Digital Inclusion, Fresno Housing’s role is to work with partner organizations to create sustainable programs that can be replicated in as many neighborhoods as possible. As a byproduct of program creation, Fresno Housing strives to document the process in a way that is easy to follow for a wide variety of technical backgrounds. This narrative version of the playbook is meant to educate Digital Inclusion practitioners about the “why” and also the “how”.

A mesh network is a network in which the network hardware (bridges, switches, wireless access points and other infrastructure devices) connect to as many related network hardware pieces as possible in order to efficiently route data from/to users. Mesh networks dynamically self-organize and self-configure, which can reduce installation overhead. The reduced installation overhead and increased availability of mesh network devices to the consumer market make mesh networks ideal for deployments at our properties. We need a network that we can set up quickly, manage remotely, and is incredibly durable. Mesh network is self-healing and traffic routing features make it possible to manage multiple wireless networks with minimal IT staff

(2018, January 4). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 16:36, January 27, 2019, from

Please use the steps below to create your own Mesh Network.